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Test & Measurement RS Pro
Scopri il prezzo
La nostra società non opera come distributore autorizzato, produttore o intermediario dei marchi registrati. Tutti i marchi registrati riportati e i numeri di parti sono proprietà esclusiva dei rispettivi proprietari.

MultiMeter RS Pro 1278296
Thermo / hygro / barometer

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346742
Cube LED Portable Stroboscope 40 LED 1750 LUX Adjustable Flash Li-Ion Batteries

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346743
SuperCube LED Portable Stroboscope 118 LED 8000 LUX Adjustable Flash

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346745
Stationary LED Stroboscope 80 LED 6000 LUX 20x30cm Illumination Area

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346747
Stationary LED Stroboscope 120 LED 7500 LUX 30x50cm Illumination Area

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346749
Stationary LED Stroboscope 200 LED 9000 LUX 30x50cm Illumination Area

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346751
Stationary LED Stroboscope 500 LUX 20x30cm Illumination Area 12500 FPM

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346753
Stationary LED Stroboscope 2500 LUX 30x50cm Illumination Area 12500 FPM

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346754
Stroboscope Controller Unit 600000 FPM 1.5m Trigger Cable 10000Hz Frequency

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346763
Stroboscope Mounting Kit for Tripod

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346764
Stroboscope Articulating Arm Including Mounting Kit

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346765
Stroboscope Tripod 3-Way Adjustable

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346766
Stroboscope Extension Cable (1.5m)

Inspection Scope RS Pro 1346767
Stroboscope Extension Cable (2.0m)

ThermoMeter RS Pro 1365671
RS40 Digital Pocket Thermometer -58F to392F Temp Range 1 Input Auto Power Off

Tester RS Pro 1365673
Video Data And Voice Wiring Tester ToneGeneration 9V Battery RS1013

Tester RS Pro 1365674
Voltage Indicator Non-Contact 1000V 32mA Max MP-1 AAA Battery Powered

Tester RS Pro 1365675
Voltage Indicator Non-Contact 1000V CATIV AAA, 1.5V Battery RS VP-4

MultiMeter RS Pro 1367823
ILCM06R Earth Leakage Clamp Meter RMS 100A Cat III 300V60hr Battery

ThermoMeter RS Pro 1367890
RS820 IR Thermometer -58F to 716F (-50Cto +380C) Temp Range 12:1
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RS Pro